
Joe’s Birthday

August 19, 2024

Today would have been Joe’s 86th birthday. For me, it seems strange to say “Happy Birthday” to the departed, but today, I’m thinking: “I’m happy Joe was born.” So, it is a happy day to remember Joe’s birth!

Joe had a profound effect on my life and in my growth. And I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as often and as deeply with anyone as I did with him. My only regret is that I did not record him and our conversations more often so that I could share more of him with you. I’m humbled by your expressions of Joe’s impact on your lives. With that, I assure you that I continue to assemble the extent of Joe Frank material that I do have in order to bring it to you in the future.

I still receive email from people who’ve only just recently discovered Joe. I’m a little envious of their fresh exploration of Joe’s incredible work. He is unparalleled and inimitable to this day.

What is your personal favorite Joe Frank program?

The following article by Andrew Leland for the New York Review of Books, written shortly after Joe passed, is an excellent read – especially for those newly-introduced to Joe.

And, for a short time, enjoy the classic show “Eye in the Sky” on SoundCloud. After you’ve heard that, enjoy all of the other shows and selections there.

Take care of yourselves and your loved ones,


Thinking of you and missing you even more today, my man.

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